Château d'Yquem 2021 half flesje

Premier Cru Supérieur de Sauternes
Voorverkoop. Release 21 maart 2024. Van juni tot september heerste er gematigd zomerweer, wat leidde tot een goede zuurgraad in de druiven. Twee periodes met regen half september en begin oktober zorgden voor een goede verspreiding van pourriture noble, en daarna bleef het zonnig, in deze periode verkregen de druiven veel concentratie. Het jaar 2021 komt heel puur en fris over. Verwacht mei/juni 2024.

Op voorraad

Flesmaat Half flesje (37,5 cl)
Verpakking Origineel kistje van 3 of 6 flessen
Kleur Wit
Artikelnummer w07708
  € 188,00


Lisa Perrotti-Brown, Wine Independent februari 2024 – "The 2021 d'Yquem is composed of 65% Sémillon and 35% Sauvignon Blanc. It has 148 grams per liter of residual sugar, making for a relatively rich style and the sweetest Yquem since 2017. Pale lemon-gold colored, perfumed notes of orange peel, juicy peaches, grapefruit, and honeycomb slowly emerge from the glass, followed by suggestions of jasmine tea, fresh ginger, and lime blossoms. The palate is fantastically satiny, with great tension and loads of spicy sparks complementing the citrusy flavors, finishing with epic length and a zesty lift." 97/100

Neal Martin, Vinous januari 2024 – "The 2021 Yquem was tasted in Amsterdam, the first wine poured at a lunch, thereby allowing me a longer period to examine it. Slightly burnished in hue, it has a very attractive bouquet with scents of dried quince, clementine, linseed and subtle candle wax, perhaps more discrete than usual, but certainly fresh and vibrant. The palate is medium-bodied and viscous on the entry, a Yquem with perhaps a lighter chassis than recent vintages, prioritizing poise and purity over horsepower- exactly the right approach in such a challenging season. It opens wonderfully in the glass, gaining more frangipane and kaki fruit scents, though it seems to have a lighter and more tensile finish than the 2020 or 2019. As such, l suspect that it will be comparatively approachable and, of course, delicious." 96/100

Jeff Leve, The Wine Cellar Insider maart 2024 – "The complex aromatic profile explodes from the glass with pineapple, papaya, apricot, Meyer lemon, tangerine peels, caramel, honey, vanilla, saffron, cashews, and candied grapefruit in the aromatic profile. The palate resides perfectly in the middle of hedonism, and vibrancy. Clearly, there is ample sweetness, but the racy acidity provides incredible lift, energy, and length. The fruit expresses purity in its tangerines, oranges, mango, papaya, banana, and pineapples all slathered in honey. This is one of those Yquem's that can be enjoyed either as a sweet wine, or due to its vibrancy, with a diverse array of savory, and spicy dishes. Produced from a blend of 65% Semillon and 35% Sauvignon Blanc, 148 Grams per liter, 14% ABV, 3.79 pH. Yields were only 8 hectoliters per hectare. The harvest took place over an extended time, September 12 - October 27, with 4 passes in total. As you can see, the harvest was quite long, but picking the heart of vintage took place mid-to late October. Drink from 2027-2075." 98/100

Aanvullende informatie

Drinken bij Foie gras, Coquilles Saint-Jacques met roomsaus, Kalfszwezerik met langoustines, dessert
Drinkjaren 2024 - 2050
Druivensoort(en) sémillon (65%), sauvignon blanc (35%)
Biologisch in conversie naar biologisch
Alcohol 14%

Over het domein

Omvang domein 100 ha
Eigenaar Bernard Arnault
Dagelijkse leiding Pierre Lurton
Wijnmaker Sandrine Garbay (laatste jaar)
Adviseur Axel Marchal en Valerie Lavigne

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