Pauillac de Latour 2015

Château Latour, Pauillac
De onbekende 3e wijn van Latour heeft in Nederland maar 2 importeurs, Bolomey Wijnimport is een daarvan. De beschikbaarheid van deze wijn is beperkt, en het meeste gaat naar kieskeurige restaurants. 2015 is het 1e jaar dat Latour in al z'n wijngaarden biologisch werkt – en deels biodynamisch.


Flesmaat Fles (75 cl)
Verpakking Origineel kistje van 6 flessen
Kleur Rood
Artikelnummer w03883


Jane Anson, Decanter (feb 2020) – "Pretty closed up, as many of the 2015s are. Extremely concentrated, touches of black pepper and chocolate, but the tannins remain fairly bulky for the moment, and I would suggest giving it another few years in bottle. A vintage that saw the estate working fully organically across all the vineyard for the first time (although not certified until 2018 vintage). This does not go through the Place de Bordeaux, and is sold directly by Latour." 91.

Neal Martin, Vinous (mei 2020) – "The 2015 Le Pauillac de Château Latour has gone up in my estimation since I tasted it from barrel. It has a fleshy, ripe, raspberry, blackberry and boysenberry scented nose, a little smudged with subtle hints of marmalade in the background. It is open and inviting. The palate is medium-bodied with fine tannins and well judged acidity. As a Troisième Vin, even for a First Growth, it only achieves moderate complexity, but there is something winsome about this wine with an attractive pencil lead finish that is impressively well defined. Crack this open now and over the next 3-5 years." 90.

Aanvullende informatie

Drinken bij Châteaubriand met bearnaisesaus, patrijs
Drinkjaren 2022-2032
Druivensoort(en) 54% cabernet sauvignon, 42% merlot, 1% petit verdot
Biologisch ja (en deels biodynamisch)

Over het domein

Omvang domein 78 hectare waarvan 47 ha L'Enclos en 31 ha meer landinwaarts
Eigenaar François-Henri Pinault
Dagelijkse leiding Frédéric Engerer
Wijnmaker Hélène Génin
Adviseur Eric Boissenot

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